Smart home technologies can help people with disability to be safer and more independent at home. The NDIS will fund smart home technologies within an overall home modifications plan to support access and independence.
This article outlines some of the technologies that may be deemed reasonable and necessary to support an NDIS participant. We also cover the process for inclusion of smart home technology in an NDIS plan.
What is smart home technology?
Smart home technology is also sometimes referred to as assistive technology. Smart home technologies are devices and equipment that help older people and people with disability to carry out actions and tasks at home. These tasks may include opening doors, switching on lights, adjusting the air conditioning or turning on the TV. These tasks can be difficult for people with limited mobility or poor strength.
The World Health Organisation defines assistive technologies as products that help maintain or improve an individual’s functioning related to cognition, communication, hearing, mobility, self-care and vision. These technologies support health, wellbeing, inclusion and participation.
Smart technology in the National Disability Insurance Scheme
NDIS participants can apply for funding for the purchase of assistive and smart technologies. To be eligible for funds in this category, you must demonstrate that the assistive technology is both reasonable and necessary. The NDIS allocate three categories of assistive technology.
Low cost assistive technology: for items under $1,500
Mid cost assistive technology: for items between $1,500 and $15,000
High cost assistive technology: for items over $15,000, and for which a quote most be provided
Funding can be used to buy the technology outright or to access the technology you need through rental, loan or subscription.
NDIS guidelines for assistive technology
The NDIS will want to ensure that the assistive technology is going to be suitable for your needs and will help you do what you need it to. An assessment to ensure the technology will work in your home may need to be carried out. You can discuss your assistive technology reequipments at your NDIS assessment, or raise your request with your local area coordinator.
NDIS assessment for assistive technology
During an assistive technology assessment, NDIS participants will need to describe:
the assistive technology required
why the assistive technology is the best value, over other supports, to help with disability support needs
how the assistive technology will help with disability support needs and help pursue your life goals
an estimated price range for the assistive device
How smart home technology works
Smart technologies work in a variety of ways and different devices operate with unique functionalities. All smart technologies makes a person’s home more accessible. Some smart devices use voice activated systems to operate. One example of this type of technology is a light that can be turned on through a vocal instruction spoken into a smart speaker.
Other devices direct changes in the environment, and start operating automatically under certain conditions. These smart home technologies use sensors. An example of this type of technology is an air conditioning system that kicks in when the room temperature becomes too hot or too cold.
Benefits of smart home technology
Smart home technologies can help make a home more comfortable, and help maintain a person’s independence, safety and confidence at home. The benefits of home automation and smart home devices include:
increased comfort and convenience – with responsive lights and other systems and devices that can improve and enhance the home environment
greater independence – so that people living with disability can have more control over their lives, and be less reliant on carers and support workers
improved safety – as the need for completing high risk tasks is reduced or eliminated
better health – through tools and remote controls which manage the airflow and temperature
Nursed Care for home modifications
We are Nursed Care, an NDIS and My Aged Care service provider supporting clients across New South Wales. We provide cohesive services to support people with disabilities to live independently and carry out daily tasks with comfort and ease. Our experienced team has many years experience within the disability sector.
Our skilled home modifications team regularly assist with the installation of minor home modifications. These simple, non-structural changes make a big difference and help people to remain living at home.
The types of minor and complex home modifications we can help you with include:
hand rails and grab rails
repositioning of switches, locks and cupboards
modified door width
hoist installation
ramp construction
Our friendly home modification specialists are ready to discuss your challenges and provide advice on home modifications available to you within your funding entitlements. We will help you select modifications that match your space and suit your house.
Nursed Care for smart home technologies
Our home modifications experts work with our experienced NDIS staff to assist with advice and installation of home automation systems and technologies.
The Nursed Care team will take the time to understand your unique needs and assist you with technologies that will support you, benefit your wellbeing and help you experience a better quality of life. Eliminate risk while enhancing your home environment with support from Nursed Care.
Examples of home automation systems Nursed Care can provide
Home automation systems can make your home more accessible and support your safe movement around the house. We can help you with smart home automation solutions, including:
automated door locks to keep your front door entry point safe
automated entry or interior doors
automated lighting, blinds and temperature controls
automated roller shutters which can help with privacy and security
charging stations for tools that help you communicate and mobility aids
personal alarms and medication reminder tools
alternative communication devices and intercoms
Contact us today, to discuss these home automation solutions to improve your control and quality of life. You can call us or use our online form.
Related questions
NDIS participants who have had assistive technologies approved in their NDIS plan, will receive funding to pay for the services and equipment that they need. NDIS participants can have access to funding for technology that meets their unique requirements.
However, smart technologies must be related to your disabilities, and NDIS funding can not be used for a standard appliance or item that everyone might use at home, such as a kettle or microwave.
Many older people find that home modifications integrated with assistive technology systems improve their independence and help them feel more in control of their lives. Planning for the integration of smart technologies is a great strategy to keep an older person comfortable at home for longer.
Smart home systems promote safety and accessibility for older people. And while sometimes older people find adjusting to new technologies and systems a little bit challenging, it is worth preserving. Read more in our Technology and Aged Care Services blog.