NDIS participants with very high support needs or extreme functional impairment may be eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation funding. This type of NDIS funding is used to cover the costs of a shared home, where support and care are provided.
What are SDA homes?
Specialist Disability Accommodation SDA homes are designed and built for NDIS participants who have extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.
Specialist Disability Accommodation dwellings are built to be long term homes for people with disabilities, who have been allocated SDA funding within their NDIS plan.
SDA funding in the National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme NDIS is federally funded government program that provides funding for disability supports. NDIS participants must be aged between 9 and 65 years and have a disability caused by a permanent impairment. NDIS funding is outlined in a plan that details the services and supports that a person requires.
Specialist Disability Accommodation SDA funding is allocated in the plan and means that a person is approved for an SDA property. Once the funding is approved and authorised, the NDIS participant is able to find the home they would like.
Who can live in an SDA home?
SDA homes are for people with very high support needs, and with extreme functional impairment or cognitive impairment. It hast been estimated that the amount of NDIS participants who are currently receiving or would be eligible to receive SDA funding is as a low as 6%.
Specialist Disability Accommodation residents usually require high levels of care and support for daily tasks. SDA residents often exhibit complex behaviours or challenging behaviours which make more independent living unsustainable.
An SDA home is intended to be a permanent or long term housing option. A complete NDIS assessment to review eligibility criteria will need to be carried out.
Options for disability homes
SDA properties can be a variety of housing and building types. Options include:
free standing homes
town houses
apartments and units
boarding houses
SDA housing is located all across the Sydney metropolitan area, in new developments and more established suburbs.
Benefits of Specialist disability accommodation
One benefit of moving into Specialist Disability Accommodation is that you will be support to maintain existing community connections.
You may chose an SDA home that is close to other friends and family members, or try moving into a new part of town. You may chose to rent a property that is close to the existing social and community support which you already access.
Another benefit of Specialist Disability Accommodation SDA is that you will be sharing a home with people who have similar interests or culture. Sharing a home with other people can lead to making great friendships and building positive connections with each other.
Nursed Care for Specialist Disability Accommodation
If you are looking for high quality accommodation that supports an NDIS participant with very high needs, then contact Nursed Care. We are a fully accredited and experienced NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation provider, and we have access to a range of disability housing options.
We are recognised SDA providers who offer the enhanced provision of comfortable, safe and approved SDA housing. Our homes boast special features tailored to provide comfort, safety, and independence, and offer improved liveability for eligible NDIS SDA residents.
The Nursed Care building team provide a full scale building service from NDIS Home Modifications to building SDA Apartment and boarding houses. This includes new building projects, project management, site compliance checks and renovations. Contact us if you have SDA funding in your NDIS plan and are looking for your long term home.
Nused Care SDA housing
Our SDA housing boast:
spacious bedrooms with their own private accessible ensuite
wide doorway and hallway widths, with some measuring 1200mm
one additional bedroom with ensuite for overnight staff
alarmed security systems with CCTV to exterior
robust furniture and fittings, designed for heavy use
fully furnished communal areas
air conditioning throughout
We can also help you find your own accommodation and work with your OT and Support Coordinator to help you find just the right place you can call home. In line with your NDIS plan, Nursed Care can also assist you to manage your SDA funding. Our properties have been registered through the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and are fully compliant with National Disability Insurance Scheme NDIS rules.
We manage SDA properties right around the metropolitan area, in suburbs including Breakfast Point, Hassall Grove and Liverpool, among others
SDA design categories and home requirements
Because they need to meet the complex support needs of people who often have extreme functional impairment, SDA dwellings must be design compliant and meet SDA rules and design standards. These standards are rigorous enough to ensure that SDA home meet safety and functionality guidelines, but flexible enough to respond to individual preferences.
The SDA Design Standard outlines the four SDA design categories to ensure that properties:
offer improved liveability
are robust
are fully accessible and provide complete physical access
enable high physical support for people with significant physical impairment
SDA housing designed just for you
The Nursed Care SDA dwelling accommodation options include:
SIL– Supported Independent Living dwellings
STA – Short Term Accommodation homes
MTA- Medium Term Accommodation homes
Respite homes to give carers a break
Visit our website to check out the Nursed Care SDA vacancies for people with very high levels of care needs.
What is provided in an SDA home?
Your SDA provider should deliver services that meet your needs, while promoting life skills and a reasonable level of independence and autonomy. The services that can be delivered through SDA funding within an SDA facility include:
domestic assistance
help getting dressed
help going to bed
meal preparation
medication management
other supports as arranged
personal care
reactive maintenance when repairs are required
self care and mental health support
social support
Related questions
Funding for a stay at an MTA dwelling is covered by the NDIS, although a participant may be asked to contribute to the costs. The amount you can expect to pay for housing will be outlined on your completed NDIS plan. The plan will include a breakdown of costs and expenses.
MTA properties are located all around Sydney. It is understandable if you are looking for MTA properties in only a certain area. For example, you might need your MTA to be located close to family, the hospital or community centre or facility. Use the search tool on our website to look for a vacancy that meets your unique needs.
In some cases, where there have been delays or issues related to you long term home or your moving date has changed, then you me be granted an extension to the 90 day MTA stay. If you need to request an extension, speak to your NDIS Support Coordinator, Local Area Coordinator or Early Childhood Partner. It’s best to provide reasonable notice when you make your request for an extension.
The National Disability Scheme (NDIS) is a federal program in Australia that provides home and living supports to people with disabilities, who are aged under 65 years. Older people who are waiting to move into a nursing home or aged care facility are not eligible to access MTA funding.
However, older people can often access a range of alternative assistance and home and living supports through the My Aged Care scheme. This is a funded scheme for older people in Australia.