Since the NDIS scheme was rolled out in 2020, there have been many NDIS service providers enter the market. With so many providers out there, it can be hard to know which provider to choose. This article provides advice and guidance around choosing the right NDIS provider – including what to look out for and traps to avoid.
What is an NDIS approved service provider?
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) administers the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) here in Australia. The NDIS is a scheme to help people with disability to participate fully in the community and receive the support they need to live a healthy and independent life.
NDIS providers deliver this support to the NDIS participants. An NDIS provider may be a business, with anything from a couple to several hundred employees or an individual person who works as a sole operator.
NDIS providers must meet strict standards and guidelines to achieve NIDS accreditation. The NDIA monitors and assesses NDIS providers, ensuring they have everything in place to be able to deliver quality and safe support services.
Is a provider right for me?
Choosing an NDIS service provider can feel overwhelming. In deciding if an NDIS provider is right for you, the first step is to ensure that the provider offers the services and support that you require. You might find a great registered NDIS provider, but if they don’t provide the support outlined on your NDIS plan, then they are not right for you.
Some providers offer quite limited or specialised services. For example, they may focus on community and social participation services and not provide the personal care services you need.
If your preferred agency provides some but not all of the services on your plan, you are entitled to use them for the services they do offer, and find an alternate NDIS registered service provider for the rest. Or, you might prefer to find one provider who can deliver everything you need. This can make plan management a bit easier in the long run.
How to find a local NDIS service provider
Some NDIS service providers operate only within certain areas and suburbs. It’s important to find a provider who operates in the area in which you live. Finding local NDIS registered providers is important because your provider will need to be able to visit you easily. If they are familiar with your local area, they will have an understanding of the unique services available around your home.
You can use the NDIS online service provider finder tool to search for local providers. You can also ask friends and family for their suggestions or ask your plan manager or local area coordinator for recommendations.
What makes a good NDIS provider?
First and foremost, they should have a proven track record of supporting people with disability. It is a good idea to ask a potential NDIS provider when they began work in the sector, and how many clients they support. This will help you get a sense of the scale of their operation.
You can also check reviews online for any customer comments. Many providers will also publish statements and testimonials from their clients on their website.
What to ask a potential NDIS provider
If you are having a face to face meeting with a potential registered NDIS service provider, prepare a list of questions you would like to ask and topics you would like to raise. Use a meeting with your potential support providers or support workers to get to know a bit more about the service and the offering. Questions you might like to ask include:
How will you get to know me and understand my requirements and preferences?
What connections do you have in the community that will help me get involved?
How will you involve my carer and/or advocates?
What would you do if you saw my needs change?
What opportunities will I have to change or alter my services and plan?
Other topics you may wish to discuss with you NDIS service provider include:
Cost – including after-hours or weekend
Operating hours, wait times and availability
Processes for complaints and feedback
Information handling and privacy- how are records kept?
Corporate values – do these values align with your personal beliefs and goals?
Finding the right support worker
You may want to get to know more about the support worker or workers who will support you. It is a good idea to ask what backgrounds the team come from, which specific qualifications they have, what languages do they speak and if they are inclusive and represent community diversity.
How to change NDIS providers
You are well within your rights to decide you want different service providers. If you want to change to a different provider, speak to your support coordinator. They will be able to liaise with different providers to ensure you don’t lose your NDIS funding during the changeover. Updates can then be made to your NDIS plan.
Many NDIS service providers have a document called termination policy or cancellation policy, so check this document or your service agreement to find out how much notice you are required to give.
Nursed Care for as your NDIS service provider
We are Nursed Care and we are proud to be registered NDIS providers. We support people throughout Sydney to live their best lives, learn new skills and help participants achieve their goals. Our available services include:
personal care and private nursing
domestic support services
transport to and from programs
skill development
high quality support for employment
When choosing NDIS service providers, don’t go any further than registered NDIS providers Nursed Care.
Related Questions
Unfortunately, receiving services from an agency that isn’t NDIS accredited is risky because there are no guarantees about the quality or cost of care you receive.
To become an approved NDIS provider, an agency must demonstrate they have adequate guidelines, policies and procedures in place to provide quality, safe services to NDIS participants. Accredited providers must also charge within the NDIS pricing arrangements and charges schedule. With unregistered providers, there is a risk you might be overcharged.
Because all accredited NDIS registered providers operate within the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, there are maximum charges that can be applied for each service. Most providers charge based on this schedule. While affordability might be a factor in deciding which provider you will use, you also want to ensure you are receiving quality care.
Support workers who have qualifications and experience deserve fair pay for providing quality services to an NDIS participant. Companies that are too cheap may not be paying their staff fairly or have all of the correct documents and statements of compliance.