Guide to NDIS for newcomers

Have you or a family member recently been referred to the NDIS for support with a disability? Do you need some additional assistance related to a disability but are not sure where to start?

Understanding Australia’s complex disability sector can be confusing and overwhelming. But, plenty of support is available to help you navigate the NDIS. This article is a great beginner’s guide to the NDIS program.

Disability Planning and Care

Many people in our communities live with disabilities, and they contribute a great deal to our society. Although disabilities can sometimes bring challenges, the NDIS system is in place to help ensure people with a disability can have a high quality of life.

When you receive a diagnosis of a disability, you may feel shocked, scared or worried. By learning more about the NDIS, such as eligibility requirements and what funds are available, you can make a plan to live a fulfilling life.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme NDIS is an initiative of the Australian Government. The aim of the NDIS is to provide people with disability a choice about the services they receive. NDIS participants are empowered to set their own goals, make decisions about their life and receive support that enhances their quality of life.

Under the scheme, eligible participants create a plan outlining what they would like to achieve, along with their service requirements. NDIS funding is then provided so participants can arrange services that meet these support needs. The funding is spent to pay for services delivered by NDIS registered providers.

Making a difference for people with disability

The implementation of the NDIS in 2013 was a major change in how services were provided to eligible Australians. It has revolutionised the welfare system and put more power back into the hands of people with disabilities.

The goal of the NDIA is to empower people with disabilities to live fulfilling lives by providing them with the necessary support and resources to achieve their goals and participate fully in their communities.

Who is the NDIS for?

Generally, the NDIS is for people between 9 and 65 years, although there may be some exceptions. People over 65 who need assistance should look at the My Aged Care scheme. Children aged under 9 may be able to access early intervention support through the NDIS.

To be eligible for the NDIS, you must also be an Australian citizen, be a permanent resident, or hold a special visa. You must also live in Australia.

What does permanent and significant disability mean?

As stated on the requirements page of NDIS website, the NDIS is for people with permanent and significant disability. Permanent disabilities are conditions that you will always have. The NDIS is not for people who have an injury or surgery from which they will recover, or for people who have a condition they can manage with medication.

The disability must also be significant. A significant disability is one that impacts you in your day to day life. The disability may be:

  • intellectual

  • cognitive

  • neurological

  • sensory

  • physical

  • psychosocial

You can read more about eligibility requirements on the NDIS website.

How to access the NDIS

To become a participant in the NDIS scheme, you must first lodge an access request. Then, an NDIS assessment or planning meeting is conducted. The assessment is not intended to be difficult or scary. The assessment will help clarify what help you need and ensure you meet NDIS eligibility criteria.

To prepare for the assessment, gather information from your health professional and any other supporting documentation to provide evidence of what you need to achieve your goals and live independently. You are entitled to have a support person with you through this process.

Read more about access to the NDIS here.

Role of the National Disability Insurance Agency

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is responsible for delivering the NDIS in Australia. The NDIA is responsible for assessing the eligibility of participants, developing individualised plans, and managing the funding for supports.

What NDIS services are available?

NDIS funding for disability supports are provided under three main categories. These are

  • Core

  • Capital

  • Capacity Building

Core supports enable a person to carry out the activities of daily life, such as toileting, washing, preparing meals, eating and sleeping comfortably.

Capital supports are equipment and technologies that make it easier to manage tasks at home or out and about.

Capacity building supports enable a person to participate in community and social activities, and enhances skills for independence.

Understanding your NDIS plan

Once you have been assessed and commenced as an NDIS participant, you will be involved in creating your NDIS plan. All NDIS participants have individualised plans tailored just to their needs. An NDIS plan covers:

  • personal goals

  • the services required

  • which service provider/s will deliver the services

  • the budget and funds allocated to each service

Nursed Care for NDIS plan coordination

Welcome to Nursed Care– a fully accredited NDIS service providers supporting NDIS clients in New South Wales. If you have recently become an NDIS participant, or are preparing for an NDIS assessment, then contact us. We are experienced in working with people towards great NDIS outcomes.

From the time you lodge an access request through to the creation and delivery of your NDIS plan, we can walk alongside you and support you through your NDIS journey.

We can act as NDIS plan managers, meaning that we help you with NDIS plan management. We will work with you to find suitable service providers and ensure that services are delivered in line with what it says on the plan.

Nursed Care for NDIS supports

We provide support across the NDIS system. Some of the services we can provide include:

  • personal care

  • domestic assistance

  • respite care

  • employment services and counselling

  • NDIS funding planning, financial reporting, budget management and plan management

  • referral to other professionals, such as speech pathology or occupational therapy

We can send a support worker to perform tasks you find challenging. Our staff will work to understand your needs and develop a positive and empowering relationship.

Contact us if you would like to learn more about any of these activities.

Related Questions

As an NDIS participant, you will be able to receive funding for the supports outlined in your NDIS plans. You can also pay for additional support beyond what is contained in the plan, with your own money.

However, if you are finding that you do not receive enough care and that your NDIS funds fall short, you should request a plan review or planning meeting with your local area coordinator. Your service levels may be able to be increased, and you may be able to arrange additional support

Some people elect not to work with an NDIS plan manager. This is called self management. In these cases, the NDIS participant handles all of the administration of their plan and are in charge of their plan management.

They self manage the booking of support and services, select their own service providers and are responsible for their own budget. They liaise directly with providers and ensure enough funding money is available for payment of invoices.

Your NDIS plan will outline the services you require and the budget allocated for each type of service. NDIS providers must charge for works in line with the NDIS fees and charges schedule. Understanding what can be charged for each type of service will help you to better manage your funds within your allocated budget.

Need qualified care?

At Nursed, we offer a full range of care and disability support services, assisting you to live the life you want to live. Contact us today.

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Our friendly staff are eager to help you live your best life. Whether you need new accommodation, supports, home modifications or simply want to join our day programs we’ll ensure you’re looked after. 

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