Disability inclusion is everyone’s business. Understanding the global and national goals and objectives for access and inclusion is a great place to start, while also addressing inclusion at a local level as well. This article defines disability inclusion, explains international and national accessibility strategies and provides tips on how you can create a more inclusive community.
What is disability inclusion?
Disability inclusion describes actions and steps taken to ensure that people with disability can participate fully in community and social life. Disability inclusion means creating physical spaces, places and communities where people with disabilities are actively welcomed and barriers to their participation have been removed.
It is estimated that more than billion people around the world have a disability. This equates to about 15% of the population and includes people with physical disabilities and mental health conditions.
Global disability inclusion
At a global level, the United Nations (UN) are striving to improve disability inclusion outcomes. The UN has developed a Disability Inclusion Strategy.
The key approaches that guide the UN’s direction for a vision for disability inclusion include:
ensuring that disability is included as a consideration across all areas of development, as well as an individual area of focus
fostering understanding about how factors such as gender, age and location inform a person’s life experience
creating a coherent and coordinated approach across governments and providers, to accelerate progress and build on each other’s work
The UN’s four areas of responsibility in disability inclusion are:
showing leadership through strategic planning and the development of disability-specific policies or strategies and the establishment of teams or individuals with knowledge and expertise
consulting and engaging with people with disabilities, and creating buildings and services that are accessible and inclusive
delivering and continuously improving accessible programs and services right around the world
attracting, recruiting, retaining and promoting disabled people UN workforce and building the capacities UN staff to understand disability inclusion; and developing communications to promote the rights of people with disabilities
Disability inclusion in Australia
Here in Australia, the Federal Government has produced Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 to improve outcomes for people with disability. Learn more here.
According to the strategy website, Australia’s Disability Strategy “outlines a vision for a more inclusive and accessible Australian society where all people with disability can fulfil their potential as equal members of the community.”
Australia’s Disability Strategy states our national commitment to improving outcomes for people with disability and is the foundation on which other policy and strategies are developed.
Australia’s Disability Strategy will achieve sustainable change for people with disability by:
providing national leadership
guiding activity across all areas of public policy
driving mainstream services and systems to improve accessibility outcomes
engaging, informing and involving the whole community in achieving a more inclusive society
How to raise awareness about disability inclusion
Everyone with an interest improving the lives of people with a disability can play a part in positive change. Discussing access and inclusion issues in your local schools, community centres, sports clubs and businesses can help make spaces more welcoming and suitable.
If you own a business or work in a large organisation, add access to meeting agendas or raise the idea during lunchtime conversations.
Many local councils also facilitate access and inclusion panels or forums. These groups discuss local issues and topics of interest. By participating in these groups, people with disabilities can advocate for the needs of their communities and help implement positive change.
Disability inclusion through the NDIS
Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the primary system through which disability support is delivered. The NDIS is the largest and most prominent disability agency in the country. The NDIS has responsibilities in realising the vision of Australia’s Disability Strategy.
The NDIS works in collaboration with governments, participants and other agencies to help deliver Australia’s disability inclusion principles and commitment.
Nursed Care for NDIS community participation
Nursed Care is a fully NDIS accredited service provider located in Paramatta, serving people with disabilities from all around the metro Sydney area. Our attitude to accessibility means that we strive to help people with disability reach their full potential.
The staff at Nursed Care are experienced and are familiar with working in the sector and within the context of Australia’s Disability Strategy. We recruit and retain qualified staff who deliver quality care, while promoting independence and creating a better quality of life for clients.
We work closely with our NDIS clients to access community opportunities such as:
accessing NDIS community participation funding
identifying learning and training opportunities
facilitating access to local social support programs, facilities, events and opportunities
supporting skill development for independent living and to achieve personal goals
working with families and carers for holistic and individualised support
Contact Nursed Care to learn more and meet our team.
Related questions
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is observed annually on 3 December. This day was first proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992, with the goal of promoting the rights and wellbeing of people with disability, improving access to support systems and addressing the challenges they face.
You can get involved in local celebrations on this day, for example awards presentations, gatherings and community BBQs.