Am I eligible for NDIS?

Who is eligible for the NDIS?

Australian citizens and permanent residents aged between 7 and 65 years who have a disability can apply for support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). To be eligible for NDIS support, a person must meet NDIS access requirements and have an intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory, physical or psychosocial impairment.

The aim of the NDIS is to provide people with disabilities with access to the support they require to live full and meaningful lives.

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder often diagnosed in childhood but can affect people of any age. About 280,000 children and 530,000 adults in Australia have ADHD.

ADHD is often misunderstood and it can be difficult to diagnose, particularly in adults. Many people with ADHD miss out on early intervention and do not receive appropriate treatment or supports It can be hard for people with NDIS to demonstrate the impact that the condition has on their daily life.

Are people with ADHD eligible for the NDIS?

ADHD is not on the list of disabilities automatically covered by the NDIS here in Australia. However, people with ADHD may be eligible for NDIS services if they have another primary disability. A primary disability is the impairment that has the greatest impact on a person’s daily life.

A person with an ADHD diagnosis may also be deemed eligible for the NDIS if they can demonstrate that their condition is a severe and permanent disability. In this case, ADHD is considered an “other” type of neurological disorder. Only a small number of people currently registered with the NDIS have ADHD as their primary disability.

There has recently been a lot of discussion about adding ADHD to the NDIS list. As this Sydney Morning Herald article points out, psychiatrists and psychologists have been pushing to make it easier for people with ADHD to access disability supports through the NDIS scheme.

Symptoms of ADHD

People with ADHD often have difficulty concentrating and focusing on tasks and they may have trouble thinking clearly or calmly at certain times. They may also experience:

  • Anxiety

  • Being easily distracted

  • Depression

  • Forgetfulness

  • Hyperactivity

  • Impulsiveness

  • Inattentiveness

  • Relationship problems

These symptoms may be mild, moderate or severe.

Some people with ADHD respond well to medication. However, interventions can help a person to understand and feel in control of their ADHD and improve their psychosocial functioning.

Peer and social supports can also be useful for a person with ADHD, helping them to manage their ADHD symptoms and feel more confident in their daily life, improving their social or economic participation.

People with ADHD can benefit from receiving NDIS funding to arrange assistance with the everyday activities they find challenging irrespective of their functional capacity.

What disabilities are covered by the NDIS?

There are many different types of disability and a wide range of conditions and disability requirements that meet NDIS eligibility criteria for an Australian citizen. The NDIS considers disability in the following types:

  • Acquired brain injury

  • Autism

  • Cerebral palsy

  • Hearing impairment

  • Intellectual disability, Developmental delay, Global developmental delay, Down syndrome

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Psychosocial disability

  • Spinal cord injury

  • Stroke

  • Vision impairment

Applying for the NDIS

To receive supports through the NDIS, you will need to carry out the access request process. This process involves gathering information about you and your disability. Representatives from the NDIS will then asses your application to see if you meet the disability requirements. Providing good evidence about your disability diagnosis and requirements in support of your application to the NDIS makes it easier for your application to be assessed.

Evidence required for the NDIS

As part of your application to the NDIS, a relevant treating health professional needs to make an assessment of your condition and confirm your disability or diagnosis. Evidence of the impact of your disability on different areas of your life is also required including impairment affects. The health professional should also describe any previous treatment or outcomes, and future treatment options.

Treating professionals who can provide evidence of your disability on your behalf include:

  • General Practitioners (GPs)

  • Paediatricians

  • Orthopaedic surgeons

  • Occupational Therapists

  • Speech Pathologists

  • Neurologists

  • Psychologists

  • Psychiatrists

  • Physiotherapists

Quality services with Nursed Care

At Nursed Care, we can help you navigate the NDIS funding system and prepare for your NDIS eligibility assessments. We assist many NDIS participants in our community to identify their goals and work towards they outcomes they want to achieve.

We work with individuals who require support in the areas of social skills, social interaction and capacity building in the community. Contact us to discuss early intervention supports and services for people with ADHD or any other mental health condition.

Frequently asked questions

The following conditions are considered during the NDIS assessment process:

  • Your visa or residency status – you must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident to meet the residence requirements

  • The type of disability or disabilities that you have – and if it is considered a permanent impairment or likely to be permanent

  • Age

  • Where you live

  • The types of NDIS support you require- and if early intervention services are required

Visit the NDIS website for more information about eligibility criteria for NDIS participants, as well as information on self management and self-care options.

There are many NDIS providers out there. When considering which provider to choose, ensure you select one that is a registered NDIS provider. Registered providers must adhere to rules related to providing fair and quality services to NDIS participants. The rules and processes to become a registered NDIS provider are outlined in the NDIS Act.

NDIS Eligibility Qualification Assistance Form
Are you under 65 years of age?
Do you have a disability or diagnosis?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Preferred Contact Method?
Eligibility Check

Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, based on your response indicating that you are over 65 years of age, you do not meet the eligibility requirements for this program.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.